No Config • No Plugins




Build Tool

Pingy CLI does all LESS/SASS/Babel/etc.. compilations in-memory, so it's super fast. We also include Source Maps so it's easier to debug your code.

When it comes time to push your site to production then Pingy CLI has your back too. Pingy will compile all your assets, minify them and output them to disk so you can upload them wherever you like.
npm install -g @pingy/cli (Requires Node.js 6+)

Gulp and Grunt and other heavyweight build tools are great for complicated build workflows. Sometimes you want something simpler that doesn't take lots of configuration to get up and running.
That's Pingy CLI.
  Build Status  npm

1. Initialise

pingy init

An interactive prompt will ask you a few questions and can then install requested dependencies (e.g. Sass, Less, Babel, CoffeeScript etc..). Optionally, init can also scaffold some boilerplate files for your website.

Pingy is zero-configuration but it does place a .pingy.json file in your website folder to help Pingy identify the root of your website. Currently, this only contains the default folder name for exporting you site ('dist'), you can change this if you like.

Coming soon: A non-interactive version of the init command. In the mean-time, it's worth noting that you can actually initialise a Pingy project by simply running the command touch .pingy.json.

2. Develop

pingy dev

Start-up a local development server. Automatically supports live browser reload and compilation/transpilation (with in-memory smart caching).

All of this without any configuration! Debugging is a joy too because we show you syntax errors in-browser (instead of hidden away in the terminal), we also support SourceMaps out-of-the-box.

2.5 Compilation

Pingy CLI works with Sass, Less, Stylus, Jade, Pug, Markdown, EJS, Bublé, LiveScript, Babel & Coffeescript with more coming soon.

Pingy CLI will watch incoming HTTP requests,compile lazilyin-memory and cache the compilation output.

3. Export

pingy export

Minify all your assets and compile all your source files with one simple command. Pingy CLI will make sure your site is optimised and ready-for-production.

One of the really nice things about Pingy CLI is that it doesn't re-compile your project from scratch each time you do an export. Pingy CLI is smart and only re-compiles the files that have changed since your last export.


Pingy CLIGulp/Grunt
Initialise project helper
An interactive prompt can help you install dependencies and scaffold out boilerplate files.
Pingy CLI works with Sass, Less, Stylus, Jade, Pug, Markdown, EJS, Bublé, LiveScript, Babel & Coffeescript with more coming soon.
Requires plugin(s) + config
No time spent configuring your project, just follow Pingy CLI's simple conventions.
Live Reload
Reloads the browser/styles when it detects a file change.
Requires plugin + config
Smart efficient file watching
Gulp/Grunt can end up watching huge numbers of files for doing compilation and live-reload.
Pingy is more efficient, it knows which files are needed to serve your site and it will only watches those files.
Source MapsRequires plugin + config
MinificationRequires plugin + config
In-memory Compilation
Pingy CLI doesn't need to write files to your hard-drive or use temporary directories. It's all done in-memory which makes it super-fast and keeps your file-system clean.
Export your site so you can FTP or do whatever you like with it.
Requires config

Pingy CLI has been extracted from the Pingy Desktop App. If you make Websites then you should check it out.

Quicker client feedback and website iterations. No more configuring build tools. No more setting up servers. No more messing with the command-line.